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Monday, March 28, 2011

Road Safety talk

Stephanie can't cycle to school.....

"This morning, we had a talk about cycling. A man came in and explained a bit about cycling and why we should cycle. We should cycle as its better for the environment, better for our health and doesn’t cause traffic congestion, which has been a big problem. He told is that in the Netherlands,
people always cycle everywhere, in ordinary clothes. He showed us a video and it showed women cycling in heels, and people cycling in the cold, rain and without helmets. He explained that this is the norm in the Netherlands and they have much better cycling facilities, where-as here in Ireland, it’s much more dangerous, as a lot of main roads, don't have a cycle path present, which means cyclists have to risk cycling on the road, which is extremely dangerous.

He told us that people in Ireland have a lot of excuses not to cycle such as: It’s too cold, it’s too wet and it’s too dangerous. I suppose these points are very true, but we should still find the time to cycle, in our local area, where it’s safe to cycle.
The speaker showed us a bar chart of people who cycle in Ireland - the result: 2%. He then told us how many people cycle in the Netherlands, and it said 49% cycle.
Next week in school is cycling week, and people are encouraged to cycle to/ from school. I would if I lived closer and owned a bike :L"

Read more of Stepanies blog here.

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