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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jabba Jabba Jembe - Percussion workshop

Ciara really enjoyed making noise!

Read Ciara's blog post........

The percussion workshop our class had was one of the best things we've done in TY I think :) We had the whole day with a man called David, who owns the company called Jabba Jabba Jembe. He owns loads of African drums, all different kinds called.....
Jembes, bongos and some other crazy names that I can't quite remember :L We started off with clapping some rhythms to get into the beat then David showed us some basic rhythms on the drums such as 'Woodpecker' and our answering call, 'Pat the Baker' :L We had a great time all doing a big rhythm together, we kept it going for ages well done everyone :D It looked like everyone enjoyed it as much as I did, it was great fun. We also watched videos on Youtube of a rhythm/music group called Stomp, It was really interesting to watch as it shows us what rhythm can create when it's used in the right way :)
Everyone got really confident during the day and had no problems with doing little drum and percussion solos :L It was a great way for the class to listen to each other and feel like we were accomplishing something as a group, I was quite proud of Emnet when we put all the rhythms together, it sounded great :D
I really think it's worth doing this workshop again for all the future TYs, it's a chance to learn something unusual and new and to just have fun with it.

Ciara Xxx

Well done Ciara, great report.

Visit the Jabba, Jabba, Jemba website here.
Mrs L :)

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