Welcome to our blog about the Transition Year in St Wolstans Community School, Celbridge, Co Kildare. Here you will read all about what happens in Transition Year. You will get a good idea of how busy our year is!
Follow individual student blogs as well and see how they are getting on.

All contributions come from the students themselves and the TY Coordinator.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Rugby in PE

Niamh C tells us about playing rugby in PE this year.....

"For P.E on Wednesdays we've been doing tag rugby with some of the coaches from the IRFU. At first I was kind of like ewww effort but it's actually pretty fun. We're just learning how to pass properly and the basic rules of the game at the moment but in a few weeks we're going to be playing mini matches. It's harder than it looks but when everyone tries and gets stuck into the game it makes it so much more fun. There are a few girls who are really good at it, myself definitely not included, so there might even be a rugby team in St.Wolstans this year..."

Niamh xo

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