Welcome to our blog about the Transition Year in St Wolstans Community School, Celbridge, Co Kildare. Here you will read all about what happens in Transition Year. You will get a good idea of how busy our year is!
Follow individual student blogs as well and see how they are getting on.

All contributions come from the students themselves and the TY Coordinator.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mini Company

Siobhan posted this on her blog today......

"On Saturday our mini company group all gathered together to work on our mini company. We had a very productive day as we made a lot of progress on our mini company. We sent e-mails to people that we would like to advertise with us, we designed a website, we made a facebook account and we also designed business cards and headed paper for our company. While the purpose of the day was to work on our mini company project we also had a lot of fun with each other and it all felt very businesslike with all six of us sitting around a table with laptops. We all felt like we were in the boardroom on the Apprentice. :)

On Monday we had a visit from the Oral O Carroll from the County Kildare Enterprise Board. She came to our school to talk to each group individually about our mini company project. This was great because she was really helpful and gave us lots of good advice and helpful hints and tips on how we could make our mini company better. Our mini company is starting to take shape as we begin to get the money from our advertisers and sponsors so that we will be able to afford to print the magazine. Mini company is great fun but it is also a lot of hard work too.

Lots of work still to be done but enjoying it all. "

Siobhán :)

Looks like Siobhan and her group are working hard on the magazine. Good luck to Green Hero!

Here is the link to Green Hero Facebook page. Why not check them out and 'like' them?

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