Welcome to our blog about the Transition Year in St Wolstans Community School, Celbridge, Co Kildare. Here you will read all about what happens in Transition Year. You will get a good idea of how busy our year is!
Follow individual student blogs as well and see how they are getting on.

All contributions come from the students themselves and the TY Coordinator.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Amina's Social Development day

Today was Amina's social development day as a class and we were encouraged to let down our barriers and learn more about ourselves and those around us! Other aims of the day were to learn what part we play in a team, how to plan and focus on goals and achieve them and best of all how to boost our confidence! It was great fun and really did do all those things!

I personally have a choleric or as our our 'teacher' put it I'm a red, hot, director with a hint of blue, cool, logical cat! I think this was cool because I could never really put a...label so too speak, on my personality but now I can!! I can now also understand other's personalities and how to approach them as we all like to be treated differently!

Overall today was a good day and I really enjoyed myself and learned so much!
Talk Soon,
Roisin. P.

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