Welcome to our blog about the Transition Year in St Wolstans Community School, Celbridge, Co Kildare. Here you will read all about what happens in Transition Year. You will get a good idea of how busy our year is!
Follow individual student blogs as well and see how they are getting on.

All contributions come from the students themselves and the TY Coordinator.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Emma and Meg's BT Young Scientist 2010

On Friday the 15th of January the T.Y.s and second years went to the BT Young Scientist 2010 . All of the T.Y.s had to enter the competition at the start of the year and we went along to support the four TY groups that made it through to the final at the RDS.

The projects at the competition we all very good and there was a good variety of projects. It felt great to see our friends in the RDS in the final of the competition and know they were picked from thousands around the country.

When we were there we met Dara Quilty and Dylan from Two Tube who were reporting on the competition. It was great fun to go support our friends and also have a great day out at the same time.

Another trip to add to our T.Y. experience!!

Dont forget to check back to the blog to see whats happening

Emma M

On Friday all of the TY's headed off to the BT Young Scientist with the 2nd years! It was a day that we were all looking foward to, well, because of the science and of course the fact that there would be loads of other schools there from all over the country...that we could talk to about science of course! :)

Four TY groups got into the competition so we were all looking foward to seeing them and to hear how they were getting on.

The day was br-il-i-ant! The exibition was really good and we saw DARRAGH QUILTY! There was also a ferrari car there, loads of free science stuff and some really cool projects.

The girls were doing great and their desks gave us a place to sit. They told us all about the stuff they did and it seemed like they were having such an amazing time at the competition, made me regret not coming up with a better idea!

There was some really cool 3D shows on in the arena and a deadly CSI thing upstairs! We also saw lots of people we knew and made some new friends as well :)

Our girls didn't win anything but they did fantastic! And we wouldn't have gone or entered if it wasn't for TY It was an amazing day and I don't think we'll forget it. Our last time at the Young Scientist :( ....because only 2nd years and TY's go to it from our school. We can enter again in 5th year though.
So it was such a good day :) :D
~Meg (",)

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