Welcome to our blog about the Transition Year in St Wolstans Community School, Celbridge, Co Kildare. Here you will read all about what happens in Transition Year. You will get a good idea of how busy our year is!
Follow individual student blogs as well and see how they are getting on.

All contributions come from the students themselves and the TY Coordinator.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Climbing Mountains and Wearing Trash.

Here is Lauren's first blog post about her first day in TY. Visit her blog and see how she documents her year.

Climbing Mountains and Wearing Trash.

We went in on the first day, not really knowing where to go. Everyone else had settled in already as TY's are the last to go back after summer. We had an assembly and I waited nervously to find out who was in my class and thankfully, I am really happy with my class group, Tabei. It also helped that it was the slightly easier class to pronounce... I still don't think I'm pronouncing Tereshkova right. Our classes were named after famous women who have made great accomplishments, for example, Junko Tabei is 
a Japanese mountain climber who became the
first woman to climb Mount Everest in 1975.

Once the classes were sorted, it was like we had never left!
We then went to TY design and have started planning our Junk 
Kouture project which I am really excited about. For those of you 
who haven't heard of junk Kouture before, its a competition where 

TY's create an item of clothing made completely of recycled materials, 
including at least one recycled electrical item. I'm finding it really 
fun coming up with ideas for it because nothing is too outrageous
for this competition, so it should be interesting to see what we come 
up with. Watch this space!

What's coming up? Well, tomorrow we have a workshop, which I will 
tell you about soon. In a few weeks, I will be starting work experience
in a chemistry department  which I am really looking forward to 
because I find chemistry really interesting. I shall keep you posted. 
In the near future, I have double P.E. now, which will be great fun. 

I look forward to continuing my blog and making it better and better,
so stay tuned.

Here is Lauren's first blog post about her first day in TY. Visit
her blog and see how she documents her year.

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