Welcome to our blog about the Transition Year in St Wolstans Community School, Celbridge, Co Kildare. Here you will read all about what happens in Transition Year. You will get a good idea of how busy our year is!
Follow individual student blogs as well and see how they are getting on.

All contributions come from the students themselves and the TY Coordinator.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

We have been Nominated!!

Well I think a celebration is in order for our bloggers. Thanks to all who continue to blog because the St.Wolstans TY blog has been shortlisted in the Eircom Junior Spiders 2011.
So on the 13th of December three students and Mrs. L are off to the Helix in DCU to compete against 5 other TY blogs.The competition is judged by judges so no public vote yet.....

We were also nominated for the best class blog as part of the Edublog Awards 2011, the vote is completely up to people voting for the blog they prefer.

You can vote once a day.

Sarah D


  1. Yay! Thats so exciting :D Well done guys :) So proud of us :)

  2. Can't believe we won!! SO PROUD! :D
