Welcome to our blog about the Transition Year in St Wolstans Community School, Celbridge, Co Kildare. Here you will read all about what happens in Transition Year. You will get a good idea of how busy our year is!
Follow individual student blogs as well and see how they are getting on.

All contributions come from the students themselves and the TY Coordinator.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Geography projects

There are only 4 weeks left until mid term and I am hoping that my TY Geography class will have finished the research for their Around the World Virtual Trip by then.
After mid term they should be ready to make their presentations in class and to submit their Fact File for assessment.
Here is an example of what last year's class presented. Siobhanb was going to travel to Poland.

Siobhan had lots of photos in her presentation and talked us through each slide.


50% of TY Christmas Assessment will go towards their Factfile and 50% towards their classroom presentation.
In the Factfile I will be looking for facts obviously, a geography focus on each country (places to see etc) and a well presented project. It does not have to be printed, a scrapbook will do just as well.

For the classroom presentation I will be looking for depth of knowledge about yopur chosen country - so I will be asking questions! I will also allocate marks for a well designed PowerPoint presentation and for delivery  - so be confident!

Good luck
Mrs L :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Commenting on blogs

I thought I would post these posters so TY will post good comments during our Quadblogging project. First poster is from classes 2KM and 2KJ @ Leopold Primary School

and the next poster is from Mrs Edwards classes at Geeky GrammaMiddle School 

So a good comment is always polite, starts with a greeting, starts or contributes to a conversation, and ends with a question which could keep the connection / conversation going.
Mrs L :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thurstable High School

Our quadblogging project starts this week. Mr Kilvert sent me a link to his new Geography Dept blog.


Watch out for some new blog posts from Thurstable High School and don't forget to post a comment to their blog.

Mrs L :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


West Jefferson High School is one of our partners in the Quadblogging project this term. Their teacher is Ms Burton, an English/Language Arts teacher from New Orleans, and her students are in 9th grade. They are new to blogging, just like us in St Wolstans!

Here are the addresses os their blog and wiki:
Class Blog : http://msvrburton.edublogs.org/
Class Wiki : http://msburtonisonline.pbworks.com/

Why not check them out? Mrs L :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011


We will be taking part in a Quadblogging project this term. I am looking forward to TY making global connections through their blogs. Here is a video to explain it.

We will be in a quad with 3 other schools

- Thurstable School in the UK with Mr Kilvert  http://mrkilvert.wordpress.com/

- Oak Hill Academy in the USA with Ms Ritter-Guth (no blog address yet)

- West Jefferson High School with Mrs Burton http://msvrburton.edublogs.org/

I am still waiting for our Quad Coordinator to contact me but I am very excited about it all. I hope the TY's are as well!

Mrs L :)

Ideas for blog posts

This week TY's created their own blogs and have agreed to post at least one blog post a week. I know after a time some will eventually think they have nothing to blog about so I am posting a link to 52 types of blg posts to give them ideas. Not all of the ideas will be relevant to them but surely they will get some ideas :)

52 Types of Blog Posts

Mrs L :)