Welcome to our blog about the Transition Year in St Wolstans Community School, Celbridge, Co Kildare. Here you will read all about what happens in Transition Year. You will get a good idea of how busy our year is!
Follow individual student blogs as well and see how they are getting on.

All contributions come from the students themselves and the TY Coordinator.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

IT skills survey

Can all TY's please complete the following surveys?

These are to help me determine your IT skills levels.

Mrs L :)

Survey 1 - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WBND2WW

Survey 2 - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WH7WCGQ

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bonding at Carlingford

TY will be going to Carlingford Adventure Centre for two days teambuilding and bonding activities on 12th and 13th September. I thought they might like to check it out :) http://www.carlingfordadventure.com/

And here are some previous posts about adventures at Carlingford


Saturday, August 13, 2011

A new year

There are only two weeks until TY 2011/2012 return to school now. I have been updating the calendar (--------> on the right hand section of the page ---------> ) with what events I know TY will be doing over the coming year. I know there will be lots more events added to it when we get back to school so make sure to check the calendar often.

I'm looking forward to working with my 3 TY classes next year - Banba, Fodla and EirĂș
Mrs L :)

Are you happy to return to school?