Its weird how after all that excitement and work towards the fun walk last week and this week its all over. Although we didn't win we were so happy with our Selam Traffic Jam! Ahhhh it was so much fun. I stood at Willowbrook 1 with Ellie and Niamh and even though we didnt see every class coming out to the judges we got to see all the costumes when they walked past us at the crossing. Everyone looked awesome! The rain was a nuisance, I made a "Cows Crossing" sign and it ran all over the place but it was funny :)
There's so many projects that we are doing atm, but it makes it much easier to learn things when you do projects! I just finished a project on Marilyn Monroe in History, that was pretty cool!
Ehm... we are doing a project on Jack B Yeats in Irish and in Geography we are doing the deadliest project ever - An Around the World Trip! Its so much fun! We get in groups and then we pick countries that we want to travel to and then we like book flights and hotels and things we are going to do and all! It is AWE-SOME! We actually feel like we are going on the trip and we're all excited hehe.
We had a talk today on Recyling and then another one from Garda Roche about drugs. Speaking of Garda.... Work experience in November for me is in Finglas, Blanchardstown and Cabra Garda stations. Hehe great place for Garda work experience, I'm sure they're pretty busy in there hehe. But Im sure it will be good :) My March work experience placement is in Urban Outfitters...I cannot wait, its my dream to work in a place like that, ahhh I love it!!!!! :P Cant wait for both the work experiences!
Well class is over in Like 5 minutes so best be off!
Conclusion- TY Is awesome-AZING!
~Meg K